Board for the Year 2025


  • Samuli Tähtelä
  • On Discord @Puhelinhampurilainen

Hi, I'm Samuli: an nth year student and occasionally the chair of this club, sometimes the vice-chair, secretary from time to time; this year I'm the chair again. We'll see what the next year has in store. I enjoy understanding complex causal connections. In addition, music is nice to play and to listen to, art is fun to create and to look at. Games are fun to play in the least. Out of all things, physics is the most fun and the most tedious.


  • Antero Voutilainen
  • On Discord @Antsa

Moikka! Mie oon Antero Voutilainen. Oon kotoisin Itä-Suomesta sekä olen kolmannen vuoden fysiikan opiskelija ja pitkäaikainen valokuvausharrastaja. Persoonaltani olen ystävällinen, avoin ja vastuullinen. Fyysikkokerhossa tosiaan toimin tätä nykyä puheenjohtajana ja jokapaikan höylänä. Olen nauttinut kerhotoiminnasta tähän mennessä todella paljon ja odotan, että pääsemme järjestämään uutta tekemistä koronan laantuessa!

Vice Chair,

  • Mirva Toivio
  • viestintä
  • On Discord @SPEARepc

Hello! I am Mirva and I am from as far as Palokka, Jyväskylä. I am a master’s student and I am especially interested in accelerator technique and beam line diagnostics. The Physics department is my second home and that is why you can find me almost every day in the second floor lobby. I love helping others and quiding everyone around the Ylistö building. During many years I have gathered knowledge about the Physics department and association bureaucracy and I love to get the knowledge into a good use. You can ask me anything!



  • Nio Piri
  • Discordissa @Ankkauimarengas

Hi! I’m Nio, and I’m from South Ostrobothnia in Western Finland. In studying physics I’m particularly interested in plasma physics and also all kinds of mathematical problem solving. For several years now I’ve been spending some of my free time amidst association bureaucracy and other association activities – most recently in the Physicists’ club. The rest of my free time consists mostly of various fiber craft projects (knitting, crocheting, etc…) and reading books whenever I have the time.

Sports Shift Representative

  • Pyry Runko
  • On Discord @Pyry

Pyry has studied physics since 2019 and has been a member of the club and board since 2020. In 2025, Pyry was appointed as the club's sports coordinator. Pyry graduated with a master's degree in physics in December 2024 and started as a doctoral researcher in January 2025. This is how Pyry comments on the matter: "Physics is neat."

Corporate Relations Manager

  • Yannick Dunlop
  • Discordissa @Yydee

Greetings! I’m Yannick and I am the Corporate Relations Manager for Jyväskylä’s Physicists’ club. I am in the last year of my masters and my main focus is theoretical particle physics. I joined the club interested in gathering know-how in different tasks, to challenge myself outside my comfort zone and participating in activity helping physicists. I’m a sociable and lively person, I speak Finnish, English and French fluently and I am generally interested in linguistics at the moment. I go to the gym regularly and I study history on Youtube for my own fun.

Staff Representative

  • Timo Ahola
  • On Discord @Naimous

Greetings! My name is Timo. I am a first-year doctoral researcher and the staff representative for JYFK. My research focuses on measuring the energy spectra of beta decaying isotopes, with implications for nuclear and particle physics. In JYFK I aspire to improve the relationship between JYFK and the physics department staff. In my free time you can find me in the gym, climbing or on my computer at home. A special interest of mine is motorsports, especially Formula 1. Feel free to come and talk if you spot me at the department.


All board members can be contacted by messaging on discord or sending email to the following lsit: .